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whim 意味

名詞 複数形: whims   


  • at a whim    思い付いたときに、気まぐれで
  • on a whim    on a whim 気まぐれで きまぐれで
  • do on a whim    一時の出来心で~をする
  • fugitive whim    一時の気まぐれ
  • marry on whim    気まぐれで結婚{けっこん}する
  • out of a whim    (ちょっとした)気まぐれから、出来心{できごころ}で、ふとした弾みで
  • passing whim    一時の気まぐれ
  • take a whim to    ふと~する気になる
  • whim of youth    若気のいたり Tattoos are often a whim of youth that bring regrets a few years later. 入れ墨は大抵の場合若気のいたりのなす業だが数年後には後悔するものだ
  • whim wham    {名} :
  • whim-wham    {名} : 風変わりなもの、気まぐれ、イライラ、そわそわ
  • as one's whim dictates    気の向くままに
  • at one's fancy (whim)    at one's fancy (whim) 気の向く侭に きのむくままに
  • at whim at any time    いつでも気まぐれに[好きなときに]
  • cater to one's every whim    (人)のあらゆる気まぐれに応じる


  • he insists that he broke in to steal on a whim .
    窃盗目的の出来心と 一点張りなんだよ。
  • it was really hot so i had it cut on a whim .
    暑いし イメチェン込みで 切ってみたんだけど
  • yes , it was . it was a whim that turned into a plan .
  • please do not worry we do not do it whim !
    安心しろ 俺たちは 気まぐれでやるんじゃねえ!
  • if i start using magic to fulfill my every whim
    気まぐれに魔法を 使い始めたら
  • i am your arbitrary whim is not your monopoly patent
    俺の勝手だ 気まぐれは お前の専売特許じゃない
  • what do you mean ? you think i accepted this job on a whim ?
    でも 何を考えてこれ見よがしな
  • don't mess with her heart on a whim please
    今は気まぐれで はぐの心を乱すな 頼む
  • she took a summer vacation in tokyo that started on a mere whim .
    友達少ない。 運動嫌い。
  • really , she does things on a whim .
    ホントに もう いつも急なんだから 本当に。
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5


  • an odd or fanciful or capricious idea; "the theatrical notion of disguise is associated with disaster in his stories"; "he had a whimsy about flying to the moon"; "whimsy can be humorous to someone with time to enjoy it"
    Synonyms: notion, whimsy, whimsey,

  • a sudden desire; "he bought it on an impulse"
    Synonyms: caprice, impulse,

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