- __ times as ~ as
- ~の 【前】 1. of 2. von ××の 【形】 bleeping〔悪い言葉の代用として使われる〕
- の の 野 field 乃 possessive particle clause nominalizer particle
- 2倍(の) 【名?形】 twofold
- …の2倍~な twice as ~ as
- 多(倍)精度(の) 【名?形】 multiple-precision
- ~の1.5倍 1. 1 1/2 times 2. half as many again as
- ~の4倍 quadruple of
- _の_乗 1. __ (raised) to the __th power 2. __ (raised) to the power (of) __ ~の_乗 raised to the __th power《数学》
- 10の_乗 10 to the __ power〔__の部分には序数が入る〕
- gdpの_%縮小 a __% contraction of GDP
- _の2乗 the quantity __ squared
- ~の_乗 raised to the __th power《数学》 _の_乗 1. __ (raised) to the __th power 2. __ (raised) to the power (of) __
- ~の_%である constitute __% of
- ~の_%になる amount to __% of
- ~の_%以上 __% or more of