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  • That's easy for you to say.
  • あな     あな 穴 孔 hole
  • なた     1. chopper 2. frow / froe〈米〉 3. matchet
  • たが     たが 箍 hoop binding (e.g. of a barrel)
  • がそ     がそ 画素 image pixel
  • そう     そう 層 layer seam bed stream class 偬 feel pain suffer 副う to suit to meet to
  • 言う     言う いう ゆう to say
  • 簡単     簡単 かんたん simple
  • だけ     だけ 丈 only just as
  • けど     けど but however
  •      ね 音 sound note 寝 sleep 子 first sign of Chinese zodiac (The Rat, 11pm-1am,
  • あなた     あなた 彼方 the other the other side there yonder that 貴女 you lady 貴方 you dear
  • だけど     だけど however
  • そう言う     just give the word
  • だけどね     but you know what?
  • あなたがそう言うのは大嫌いです。    I hate when you say that.
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