- Look at him sitting by the window, with nothing to do.
- あの あの 彼の that over there
- 窓際 窓際 まどぎわ (at the) window
- 際に 際に さいに in case of at this time
- てる てる 照る to shine
- やつ やつ 八 八つ eight 奴 fellow guy chap
- 見ろ 【間投】 lookit
- 何も 何も なにも nothing
- もし もし 若し if in case supposing 模試 sham examination
- して して 仕手 protagonist hero leading part
- ない ない 亡い dead 無い there isn't doesn't have
- 窓際に 窓際に adv. near [beside, by, at] the window《◆ near が最も遠くて at が最も近い. by
- おい!あっちを見ろよ。あの娘、俺に向かってウインクしてるぜ。 Hey! Look over there. That woman is winking at me.
- 僕、何もしてないよ。 I didn't do anything.
- 見ろよ!0度だぜ!どうりで車の窓が凍ってるわけだわ。 Look! It's 32 degrees! No wonder the windshield is frozen.
- 窓際に座る sit by a window