Will kind of see the oil supply chain in front of themselves . 石油のサプライチェーンが自分たちに 影響していることを知ることになります
Executive director owada , who was eying the chairman's seat , had joined forces . <頭取の座を狙う大和田常務が 手を組んでいることを知る>
When she learned i was looking for a bone marrow donor , she organized a drive to find one . 骨髄移植のドナーを探していることを知ると ドナーを見つける活動を組織して
However , he is not stinginess , and when he knew that a servant saved a gold coin , he talked about the importance of money , praising the servant and giving him 10 gold coins . しかし吝嗇ということではなく、ある下男が小判一枚を蓄えていることを知ると金の大事さを説き、これをとりたて、十両の金をやった。
However , he sometimes showed human kindness , for example , when he knew that hideyoshi hashiba was cool against his lawful wife kodaiin who hadn ' t had children , he called hideyoshi , scolded him severely and sent a letter of encouragement to her . が、羽柴秀吉が子に恵まれない正室・高台院に対して辛く当たっていることを知ると、秀吉を呼び出して厳しく叱責し、ねねに対しては励ましの手紙を送るなど、人間味を見せているところがある。
When he came to know the whereabouts of the woman on new years day after seeing a letter delivered to naka no kimi , nioumiya made his vassal who was well informed about the internal situations of kaoru ' s residence probe and finally came to know that the woman lives in uji as kaoru ' s mistress . 正月、中の君のもとに届いた文を見て女の居所を知った匂宮は、薫の邸の事情に通じている家臣に探らせ、女が薫の囲い人として宇治に住んでいることを知る。
He was insightlful in reading people ' s physiognomy , and when he learned that fujiwara no akinobu , fujiwara no michinaga ' s third son , wished to marry his daughter , he declined the proposal on the ground that akinobu had the physiognomy of entering the priesthood (his daughter married yoshinobu , akinobu ' s younger brother ). 人相を見るに見識があり、藤原道長の三男藤原顕信が自身の娘との結婚を望んでいることを知ると、顕信に出家の相が出ているとしてこれを断った(娘は顕信の弟能信と結婚)。
Traditionally qing dynasty had not provided protections for chinese who lived abroad for purposes such as trade; however , the qing dynasty came to know that western countries set commerce as foundations of a country and actively protected merchants in foreign countries , then the qing dynasty also started providing protection for chinese abroad based on ' bankoku koho ' (motegi 2000 ). ――清朝を貿易従事といった理由から出国し、帰国しないで海外に居を定めた華僑について、清朝は積極的な保護をしてこなかったが、西欧諸国が貿易を立国の根本に据え、海外の商人を積極的に保護していることを知るようになると、清朝も「万国公法」によって華僑の保護に乗り出すようになった(茂木2000)。