- Let me see. Where did I put those papers?
- ええ ええ yes
- えと えと 干支 sexagenary cycle Chinese astrology
- あの あの 彼の that over there
- 書類 書類 しょるい documents official papers
- どこ どこ 何処 where what place
- いた いた 板 board plank
- たん たん 反 roll of cloth (c. 10 yds.) .245 acres 300 tsubo 歎 grief sigh lamentation
- ? question mark
- ええと ええと let me see well er....
- いたん いたん 異端 heresy
- たんだ たんだ 単打 one-base hit 短打 (baseball) single
- ええと……あの写真をどこに置いたっけ? Let me see ... where did I put that picture?
- どこに書類を置いたかどうしても思い出せない just can't remember where I left the documents
- 昨日どこに置いたの? Where did you leave it yesterday?
- 野球試合の切符をどこに置いてきたの Where did you leave the tickets to the baseball game?