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"きぶん"の例文"きぶん" 意味


  • きぶん
    strange news
  • きぶ     きぶ 基部 base foundation
  • ぶん     ぶん 文 sentence 分 part segment share ration rate degree one's lot one's status
  • いなきぶん    いなきぶん 異な気分 queer feeling
  • きぶんや    きぶんや 気分屋 moody person
  • げきぶん    げきぶん 檄文 written appeal manifesto declaration
  • じきぶんろ    じきぶんろ 磁気分路 "magnetic by-pass, magnetic shunt"
  • せきぶん    せきぶん 積分 integral
  • びせきぶん    びせきぶん 微積分 (differential and integral) calculus
  • きぶんがよい    きぶんがよい 気分が良い feel good (pleasant)
  • きんせきぶん    きんせきぶん 金石文 epigraph on a stone monument ancient inscriptions on monuments
  • げきぶんがく    げきぶんがく 劇文学 dramatic literature
  • じきぶんろし    じきぶんろし 磁気分路子 magnetic shunt
  • せいきぶんぷ    せいきぶんぷ 正規分布 normal distribution
  • せきぶんがく    せきぶんがく 積分学 integral calculus
  • せきぶんほう    せきぶんほう 積分法 integration


  • Shikibunden are rice fields that were granted to government officials under the ancient east asian ritsuryo system .
  • Insei period culture (culture during the period of the government by the retired emperor ) or the culture of the end of the heian period refers to japanese culture from the end of heian period , the latter half of the 11th century to the period when the kamakura bakufu (japanese feudal government headed by a shogun ) was founded , the end of the 12th century .
  • Insei period culture (culture during the period of the government by the retired emperor ) or the culture of the end of the heian period refers to japanese culture from the end of heian period , the latter half of the 11th century to the period when the kamakura bakufu (japanese feudal government headed by a shogun ) was founded , the end of the 12th century .
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