ぶん 文 sentence 分 part segment share ration rate degree one's lot one's status relation duty kind lot in proportion to just as much as
―ぶん ―ぶん [―分] ①[分数] ?2~の1 one half ?4~の3 three fourths ?ケーキの4~の1 a quarter of a cake ?そこの住宅の3~の1が焼失した A [One] third of the houses there were [×was] burnt down. 《◆「a third of+複数名詞」では複数扱い》 ?20~の1の勾配
しぶん しぶん 四分 divide into four pieces one fourth 死文 dead letter meaningless writing 斯文 this academic subject or field of study Confucian studies 詩文 poetry and prose literary works 士分 status of samurai
じぶん じぶん 自分 myself oneself 時分 time hour season time of the year 時文 modern literature