- ぶん ぶん 文 sentence 分 part segment share ration rate degree one's lot one's status
- けつぎぶん けつぎぶん 決議文 written resolution
- ぎぶつ ぎぶつ 偽物 贋物 偽造 spurious article forgery counterfeit imitation sham
- いぎぶかい いぎぶかい 意義深い significant important
- むぎぶえ むぎぶえ 麦笛 wheat-straw whistle
- ―ぶん ―ぶん [―分] ①[分数] ?2~の1 one half ?4~の3 three fourths ?ケーキの4~の1 a quarter of a cake ?そこの住宅の3~の1が焼失した A [One] third of the houses there were [×was] burnt down. 《◆「a third of+複数名詞」では複数扱い》 ?20~の1の勾配
- ぶん ぶん 文 sentence 分 part segment share ration rate degree one's lot one's status relation duty kind lot in proportion to just as much as
- しゅうぎぶくろ しゅうぎぶくろ 祝儀袋 special envelope for monetary gifts
- ななめきりつぎぶ ななめきりつぎぶ 斜め切り継ぎ部 diagonal-cut joint
- ぶんごぶん ぶんごぶん 文語文 literary language
- いぶん いぶん 異聞 異文 strange tale another story variant (reading) strange report or tale 遺文 literary remains
- かぶん かぶん 寡聞 limited information 下聞 enquiring beforehand 可分 divisible separable 過分 excessive unmerited generous
- がぶん がぶん 雅文 elegant (literary) style
- きぶん きぶん 奇聞 strange news 気分 feeling mood