- ―ぶん
one half
three fourths
a quarter of a cake
A [One] third of the houses there were [×was] burnt down. 《◆「a third of+複数名詞」では複数扱い》
at a slope of 1 in 20.②[分量]
a batch of cookies
a chest of clothes [tea]
a whole pot of jam
a traveling bag carrying a week's worth of clothes.③[成分]
a mellow peach
You had better avoid taking salty food.ぶん
[文] 1
【C】〔文法〕文∥ compose [make up] compact and clear sentences 簡潔で明晰(めいせき)な文を作る / Repeat this sentence after me. 私のあとについてこの文を繰り返しなさい / follow a sentence with a period 文の終りに終止符を打つ / interpret a sentence 文を解釈する / Put the sentence in [into] the negative. その文を否定文にしなさい / This sentence permits
(of) two interpretations. =We can interpret this sentence in two ways. この文は2通りに解釈できる. 【関連】
?→文は武よりも強し ぶん
[分] 2
Here is your share of the cake.
eat two portions of soba
There is enough for all of you.
pay for him.②[部分]
?高く登った~だけ, 落ちた[失敗した]とき痛い
The higher you climb, the harder you fall.④[本分]
〔立場, 身の程, 分際〕
live beyond [within] one's means
- ぶん ぶん 文 sentence 分 part segment share ration rate degree one's lot one's status
- ぶん ぶん 文 sentence 分 part segment share ration rate degree one's lot one's status relation duty kind lot in proportion to just as much as
- ぶんごぶん ぶんごぶん 文語文 literary language
- いぶん いぶん 異聞 異文 strange tale another story variant (reading) strange report or tale 遺文 literary remains
- かぶん かぶん 寡聞 limited information 下聞 enquiring beforehand 可分 divisible separable 過分 excessive unmerited generous
- がぶん がぶん 雅文 elegant (literary) style
- きぶん きぶん 奇聞 strange news 気分 feeling mood
- ぎぶん ぎぶん 戯文 humorous writing
- くぶん くぶん 区分 division section demarcation (traffic) lane compartment classification sorting
- こぶん こぶん 古文 ancient writing classical literature 子分 henchman follower
- ごぶん ごぶん 誤聞 misunderstanding misinformation
- さぶん さぶん 差分 (computer) "diff" increment
- しぶん しぶん 四分 divide into four pieces one fourth 死文 dead letter meaningless writing 斯文 this academic subject or field of study Confucian studies 詩文 poetry and prose literary works 士分 status of samurai
- じぶん じぶん 自分 myself oneself 時分 time hour season time of the year 時文 modern literature
- たぶん たぶん 他聞 informing 多分 perhaps probably