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  • きをすかす
    to thin trees
  • かす     かす 貸す to lend 課す to impose 化す to change into to convert to to transform to be
  •      す 州 sandbank 酢 vinegar 巣 nest rookery breeding place beehive cobweb den haunt
  • すかす     すかす 透かす to look through to hold up to the light to make an opening to leave
  • てをすかす    てをすかす 手を空かす to make oneself available
  • はらをすかす    はらをすかす 腹を空かす to be hungry
  • やみをすかす    やみをすかす 闇を透かす to peer into the darkness
  • かすかにいびきをかく    snore lightly
  • かすか    かすか 微か 幽か faint dim weak indistinct hazy poor wretched
  • すかす    すかす 透かす to look through to hold up to the light to make an opening to leave space to space (lines) to prune (trees)
  • かすかすで     かすかすで adv. ?かろうじて
  • すかすか     すかすか adv. **thin まばらな;full of opening 隙間が多い. ?箱の中は~だ The box is almost empty. ?この大根は~だ This radish is full of pores [porous].
  • かすかな     【形】 1. delicate 2. distant 3. faintish 4. feeble 5. ghostly 6. lurking 7. slight 8. subtle 9. whisperous 10. whispery 11. wispy かすかな~ ghost of
  • かすかな光    1. gleam 2. glim 3. glimmer of light 4. glimmering light
  • かすかな声    dim voice
  • かすかな霧    faint mist
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