- きをちらす
to distract a person's attention
- す す 州 sandbank 酢 vinegar 巣 nest rookery breeding place beehive cobweb den haunt
- ちらす ちらす 散らす to scatter to disperse to distribute
- もうちょうをちらす もうちょうをちらす 盲腸を散らす to resolve appendicitis
- ちらす ちらす 散らす to scatter to disperse to distribute
- へやをちらかす へやをちらかす 部屋を散らかす to litter a room (with things)
- 方をちらりと見る glance in someone's direction〔人の〕
- 物をちらりと見る take a squint at a thing
- 銃をちらつかせる jack out
- 餌をちらつかせる dangle a carrot (of)〔~という〕
- ~をちらりと見せる give someone a glimpse into〔人に〕
- いいちらす いいちらす 言い散らす to spread (a report)
- おいちらす おいちらす 追い散らす to drive away to scatter to rout
- かきちらす かきちらす 書き散らす to scribble
- きりちらす きりちらす 切り散らす to cut down all to slash promiscuously
- くいちらす くいちらす 食い散らす to eat untidily to eat a bit of everything