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"おいちらす" 意味"おいちらす" 中国語の意味


  • おいちらす
    to drive away
    to scatter
    to rout
  • おい     おい 甥 nephew 老い old age old person the old the aged hey!
  • いち     いち 一 one 位地 位置 place situation position location 市 market fair 壱 one (used in
  •      す 州 sandbank 酢 vinegar 巣 nest rookery breeding place beehive cobweb den haunt
  • ちらす     ちらす 散らす to scatter to disperse to distribute
  • いいちらす    いいちらす 言い散らす to spread (a report)
  • くいちらす    くいちらす 食い散らす to eat untidily to eat a bit of everything
  • ちらす    ちらす 散らす to scatter to disperse to distribute
  • いちらん    いちらん 一覧 at a glance a look a glance a summary (school) catalog
  • うおいちば    うおいちば 魚市場 fish market
  • いちらんせい     いちらんせい [一卵性] n. ?→一卵性の
  • かきちらす    かきちらす 書き散らす to scribble
  • きりちらす    きりちらす 切り散らす to cut down all to slash promiscuously
  • きをちらす    きをちらす 気を散らす to distract a person's attention
  • けちらす    けちらす 蹴散らす to kick about
  • たべちらす    たべちらす 食べ散らす to eat a bit of everything
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