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"こすい"の例文"こすい" 意味"こすい" 中国語の意味


  • こすい
  • こす     こす 漉す to filter to strain 超す to cross to pass to tide over 越す to go over (e.g.
  • すい     すい 酸い sour acid
  •      い 井 well 胃 stomach 依 depending on 倚 lean on rest against 亥 twelfth sign of the
  • こすいしゃ    こすいしゃ 鼓吹者 advocate propagator
  • こす    こす 漉す to filter to strain 超す to cross to pass to tide over 越す to go over (e.g. with audience)
  • すいりょくででんきをおこす    すいりょくででんきをおこす 水力で電気を起こす to generate electricity by hydraulic power
  • すい    すい 酸い sour acid
  • すいすい     すいすい adv. ?全問~と解答する breeze through all the questions ?ハクチョウが湖を~と泳いだ The swans sailed along the lake.
  • すいすいと    すいすいと (swim, work) smoothly unhindered
  • おこす    おこす 熾す to light a fire 起す to raise to cause to wake someone 起こす to raise to cause to wake someone 興す to revive to retrieve (fortunes) to raise up
  • こすう    こすう 戸数 number of households (houses) 箇数 個数 number of articles
  • こすみ    diagonal move [play]
  • こする    こする 擦る to rub to scrub
  • のこす    のこす 残す 遺す to leave (behind, over) to bequeath to save to reserve
  • みこす    みこす 見越す to anticipate to foresee


  • It really is a brilliant idea , but with an interesting touch .
  • That's cunning , isn't it ?
    ≪そういう こすい感じだもんね
  • That's cunning , isn't it ?
    ≪そういう こすい感じだもんね
  • Picture 8 : " kiso dochu shiojiri toge suwa no kosui chobo " cf . shiojiri shuku , suwako (lake suwa )
    画像-8 :『木曾道中 塩尻峠 諏訪ノ湖水眺望』(きそ-どうちゅう しおじり-とうげ すわ-の-こすい-ちょうぼう) cf. 塩尻宿、諏訪湖
  • Uzagaku was a solemn and refined form of gagagu (traditional japanese court music ), whereas rujigaku utilized instruments such as the charamela (a shawm-like double reed wind instrument ) and taiko (large drum ) for impressive and inspirational musical effect .
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