It really is a brilliant idea , but with an interesting touch . ≪こすい男だよ
That's cunning , isn't it ? ≪そういう こすい感じだもんね
That's cunning , isn't it ? ≪そういう こすい感じだもんね
Picture 8 : " kiso dochu shiojiri toge suwa no kosui chobo " cf . shiojiri shuku , suwako (lake suwa ) 画像-8 :『木曾道中 塩尻峠 諏訪ノ湖水眺望』(きそ-どうちゅう しおじり-とうげ すわ-の-こすい-ちょうぼう) cf. 塩尻宿、諏訪湖
Uzagaku was a solemn and refined form of gagagu (traditional japanese court music ), whereas rujigaku utilized instruments such as the charamela (a shawm-like double reed wind instrument ) and taiko (large drum ) for impressive and inspirational musical effect . 御座楽は荘重で優雅な雅楽であり、路次楽もチャルメラや太鼓などによる荘厳な鼓吹楽(こすいがく)であった。