- I've been chasing you all over creation the last couple of days.
- この この 此の this
- 日間 日間 ひあい time daily interest rate
- 必死 必死 ひっし inevitable death desperation frantic inevitable result
- まえ まえ 前 before in front fore part ago previously head (of a line) in the presence
- して して 仕手 protagonist hero leading part
- たん たん 反 roll of cloth (c. 10 yds.) .245 acres 300 tsubo 歎 grief sigh lamentation
- だ だ 拿 arrest capture 兌 exchange 堕 degenerating lapsing into 儺 exorcism
- 2日間 for a couple of days
- 必死で 1. all over creation 2. for dear life 3. like all creation 4. like buggery〈英俗〉
- おまえ おまえ お前 御前 you (sing) presence (of a high personage)
- 捜して in the search (of)〔~を〕
- たんだ たんだ 単打 one-base hit 短打 (baseball) single
- 君のためを思って必死で節約して家を建てたんだ I saved and scrimped to build the house for you.
- どうしてそんなふうに考えるんだよ?あのなあ。彼女はおまえに対してこの上なく失礼だったんだぞ。理由が何であれ、おまえを無視するべきじゃなかったよ。おまえ、怒ってないのか? How can you think like that? Look. She was absolutely rude to you. No matter what the reason was, she shouldn't have ignored you. Aren't you upset?
- うん。おまえのこと待ってたんだよ! Yep. We were waiting for you.