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  • I would like you to fill this prescription. Also, is there any good medicine for headache?
  • この     この 此の this
  • 処方     処方 しょほう prescription
  • 頂き     頂き いただき crown (of head) summit (of mountain) spire easy win for one something
  • きた     きた 北 North
  • たい     たい 対 ratio versus against opposition 鯛 (red) snapper schnapper sea bream 他意
  • いん     いん 陰 yin 尹 official rank 員 member 韻 rhyme 印 seal stamp mark print 允 sincerity
  • です     です polite copula in Japanese
  • すけ     すけ 助 assistance
  • けど     けど but however
  • あと     あと 跡 trace tracks mark sign remains ruins scar 後 after behind later rear
  • 何か     何か なにか something
  • かい     かい 傀 large 怪 mystery wonder 買い buying buyer purchase 介 shell shellfish being
  • いい     いい 伊井 that one Italy 良い good
  • 頭痛     頭痛 ずつう headache
  • あり     あり 蟻 ant
  • ます     ます 升 枡 桝 斗 measure unit of volume (1.8l) square container, e.g. a box 鱒 trout
  •      question mark
  • 処方箋     処方箋 しょほうせん prescription
  • きたい     きたい 機体 fuselage 奇態 strange or odd posture or figure 期待 expectation
  • かいい     かいい 介意 worrying about caring about 怪異 strangeness 魁偉 brawny muscular
  • 頭痛薬     1. headache cure 2. relief for a headache 3. relief of headache
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