札びらを切る 1. spend (one's) money freely (to show off) 2. spend money like water / spend money recklessly / spend money like it's going out of fashion 3. splash one's money about
しらをきる しらをきる しらを切る to feign ignorance to pretend to be ignorant of to play innocent to brazen it out
I'm sitting here i'm talking to you about screwing broads and you're sitting here copping the selfrighteous attitude . 俺が生徒と寝たと 吐いたのにあんたは―― 聖人のような顔で しらを切る
I'm sitting here i'm talking to you about screwing broads and you're sitting here copping the selfrighteous attitude . 俺が生徒と寝たと 吐いたのにあんたは―― 聖人のような顔で しらを切る
Gegobe pretends not to know saying that he suspects a wrong person , however takube takes out an evidence , a half of a wari-kogai which was collected from the murder site . 源五兵衛は人違いとしらを切るが、宅兵衛は人殺しの場所に落ちていたと言って、証拠となる割り笄の片割れを取り出す。