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  • He ate it with great relish.
  • それ     それ 其れ it that
  • たい     たい 対 ratio versus against opposition 鯛 (red) snapper schnapper sea bream 他意
  • いそ     いそ 磯 beach shore seashore
  • そう     そう 層 layer seam bed stream class 偬 feel pain suffer 副う to suit to meet to
  • うお     うお 魚 fish
  • おい     おい 甥 nephew 老い old age old person the old the aged hey!
  • いし     いし 頤使 having a person under one's control 倚子 chair couch seat office position
  • しく     しく 如く to excel to be equal to 詩句 verse 市区 municipal district streets 敷く to
  • べた     べた set-solid[基礎]
  •      た 田 rice field 他 other (esp. people and abstract matters) 多 multi- 佗 be proud
  • たいそ     たいそ 太祖 founder progenitor emperor
  • いそう     いそう 遺草 posthumous works 位相 phase (in science) 移送 transfer transport removal
  • いしく     いしく 石工 mason stonemason
  • たいそう     たいそう 大層 very much exaggerated very fine 体操 gymnastics physical exercises
  • おいしく     【副】 delectably
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