- Are you going to ~ like that?
- そん そん 損 loss disadvantage 尊 precious valuable priceless noble exalted sacred 巽
- 格好 格好 かっこう shape form posture suitability moderateness (in price) appearance
- 行く 行く いく ゆく to go
- ? question mark
- そんな そんな such like that that sort of
- そんな格好でどこへ行くの? Where are you going dressed like that?
- 粋な格好で nattily dressed
- パーティーにそんな格好でいっちゃ駄目ですよ。 There is no way you're going to the party dressed like that.
- あなた、そんな格好で会社に行ったら、頭がおかしくなったと思われるわよ If you go to work dressed like that, they'll think you have some marbles missing.
- なぜそんな格好をしているの?フランス料理を食べに行くっていうのに。 Why are you dressed like that? We're going to a French restaurant.
- ぶざまな格好で in an ungainly position
- こんな格好で転んだら、かなり見ものだろうな。 I imagine if you wipe out on these, it's quite spectacular.
- なぜそんなに多くの人がハワイに行くのですか? Why did so many people go to Hawaii?
- 何でそんな格好しているの? Why are you dressed like that?〔妙な服装、改まった服装などについて〕
- へたくそな格好で~する make a lame attempt to