- Many pregnant mothers smoke too much.
- たば たば 束 bundle bunch sheaf coil
- 過ぎ 過ぎ すぎ past after
- 妊婦 妊婦 にんぷ pregnant woman
- 多い 多い おおい many numerous
- たばこ たばこ 莨 煙草 tobacco (pt: tabaco) cigarettes
- 過ぎる 過ぎる すぎる to pass to go beyond to elapse to exceed
- たばこを吸い過ぎる 1 1. oversmoke oneself 2. smoke too much たばこを吸い過ぎる 2 【自動】 1. binge-smoke 2. oversmoke
- 一日に_本たばこを吸う妊婦が早産する割合 rate of premature births in mothers who smoke __ cigarettes a day
- たばこの吸い過ぎ excessive use of tobacco
- たばこを吸い過ぎた。血液の半分がニコチンになってるよな。 I have smoked so many cigarettes. My blood must be half-nicotine by now.
- 妊婦の前でたばこを吸う smoke in front of a pregnant woman
- たばこを吸いながら話す talk over a cigarette
- たばこを吸いますか? Do you smoke?
- またたばこを吸い始める revert to the old habit of smoking
- 再びたばこを吸い始める get back into the habit of smoking once again