1. on condition that 2. on stipulation that 3. on the understanding that 4. on the undertaking that 5. under the condition that 6. under the stipulation that 7. with the proviso that〔that以下〕
But as you know , with his condition that our church abides him . ただし、ご存じのように、我らの教会が 彼に従うという条件で
Had to have a lot of entropy . 有するという条件です
Everything stays the same . 全てそのままにという条件で
$2 .2 million , on condition that i perform various errands for him in the near future . いろんな用事をこなすという条件で 220万ドルを貸してくれた
The condition of disarmament was that they should become the same as so-called natives (which means to abandon arms ). 所謂、土民なみになる(武力放棄)という条件で武装が解除された。
I offered to fund his work on the condition that if he did solve it , we would keep the proof under wraps . もし彼が解いたら その証明法を秘密に しておくという条件で 彼の研究に資金提供をもちかけた
Hearing this , yasubei gave in at last and decided to become an adopted son-in-law of the horibe family with his nakayama surname . これを聞いてさすがの安兵衛もついに折れ、中山姓のままという条件で堀部家の婿養子に入ることを決める。
In 1552 , yoshiteru was reconciled with nagayoshi (chokei ) and was able to return to kyoto under the condition that he appoint ujitsuna the position of kanrei . 天文21年(1552年)、氏綱を管領にするという条件で三好長慶と和睦し、京に戻った。
Although this case was once settled down on the condition where masanori , who was in attendance for his duty in edo , would apologize and remove the repaired parts of the castle . 江戸参勤中の正則が謝罪し、修繕した部分を破却するという条件で一旦は沙汰止みになった。