Coupled with that , in 1885 , the bank of japan issued the bank of japan convertible into silver notes (notes guaranteed to be exchanged for the same amount of silver coins ) and withdrew excessive silver coins . それに伴い1885年に日本銀行兌換銀券(この紙幣と同額の銀貨と交換することの保証券)を発行、増えた銀貨を回収。
Akumochizake is classified as ' other liquor ' under japan ' s liquor tax act however it is considered a ' liquor designated as a type of sake similar to mirin ' in article 3-21 of the liquor tax act and is subject to the same reduced tax rate as mirin which is 20 ,000 yen per kiloliter . 灰持酒は酒税法上の品目は雑酒であるが、酒税法3条21号の「みりんに類似する酒類として政令で定めるもの」に該当しみりんと同額の課税(1キロリットル当たり2万円)の軽減税率を受けている。