- what makes someone able to do his work
- なぜ なぜ 何故 why how
- 任務 任務 にんむ duty function office mission task
- 遂行 遂行 すいこう accomplishment execution
- でき でき 出来 smart quality
- きる きる 斬る to behead to murder 剪る to cut 着る to wear to put on (from shoulders down)
- か か 乎 question mark 加 addition increase 蚊 mosquito 課 counter for chapters (of a
- できる できる 出来る to be able to to be ready to occur 出切る to be out of to have no more at
- なぜ(人)が戦闘の最中でも冷静さを失わずに任務を遂行できるのか how someone can keep his head and operate under fire
- 任務を遂行する 1. accomplish a mission 2. carry out one's commission 3. fulfill a duty〔通例複数形の duties で〕 4. fulfill one's mission 5. perform a duty
- 多様な任務を遂行 fulfill the diversified mandates
- 伝統的な任務を遂行する accomplish one's traditional tasks
- 爆撃任務を遂行する run bombing mission
- 特別任務を遂行する carry out one's special assignment for〔人のために〕
- 空爆任務を遂行する run bombing mission
- 首尾良く任務を遂行する accomplish [carry, discharge, execute, fulfill, perform] one's mission with success