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"なのり"の例文"なのり" 意味"なのり" 中国語の意味


  • なのり
    name readings of kanji
    announcement of candidature
  • のり     のり 糊 paste starch 海苔 dried seaweed laver 典 rule law 乗り riding ride spread (of
  •      り 里 ri (old measure) 2.44 miles 利 advantage benefit profit interest 理 reason 俚
  • かちなのり    かちなのり 勝ち名乗り (in sumo) being declared the winner of a bout
  • なのりでる    なのりでる 名乗り出る to introduce oneself
  • ふなのり    ふなのり 船乗り getting on board sailor seaman
  • 余分なのりを取り除く    remove excess glue
  • ―のり     ―のり [―乗り] ?→(自転車に)二人乗りする ?この車は6人~だ This car can hold six people. のり [乗り] 1 n. ?今日は化粧の~がよい My skin absorbs the makeup well today. ?今日はおしろいの~が悪い The powder doesn't spread well on the fa
  • のり    のり 糊 paste starch 海苔 dried seaweed laver 典 rule law 乗り riding ride spread (of paints) (two)-seater mood
  • あら、いいえ、もちろん違うわ。家に帰って、『あいのり』を見たいだけなの。    Oh, no, of course not. I just want to go home and watch Ainori.
  • いのり    いのり 祈り 祷り prayer supplication
  • きのり    きのり 気乗り interested in
  • ちのり    ちのり 血糊 sticky (clots of) blood 地の利 locational advantage advantageous position
  • のり 1    glue のり 2 paste〔接着用の〕
  • のり(土木)    のり(土木) slope[地球]
  • のりき    のりき 乗り気 乗気 interest eagerness


  • Nanori-gami - writing paper used when presenting an answer
    名乗紙(なのりがみ) - 回答を出すときに、書筆する紙。
  • I will keep my allegiance and appoint myself as kaifu yitong sansi (supreme minister ) and grant titles to each of my own commanders .
  • Homyo ' in jodo shinshu is the introduction of oneself showing that he/she is to be a disciple of shaka or shkyamuni (a disciple of the buddha ).
  • Tsunanori kutsuki (january 9 , 1808 - october 15 , 1825 ) was a successor of the fukuchiyama domain in tanba province .
    朽木 綱紀(くつき つなのり、文化 (元号)4年12月12日 (旧暦)(1808年1月9日) - 文政8年9月4日 (旧暦)(1825年10月15日))は、丹波国福知山藩の世嗣。
  • Tsunanori kanehira (year of birth unknown - 1625 ) was a busho (japanese military commander ) who lived from the azuchi-momoyama period to the edo period .
    兼平 綱則(かねひら つなのり、生年不詳 - 寛永2年(1625年))は、安土桃山時代から江戸時代の武将。
  • Nanori was a loud statement made by a samurai to an opponent in which he announced his full name , status , family lineage and assertion for the conflict .
  • The fourth family head called himself seiemon and henceforth the head of every generation from the sixth head onwards (excluding the ninth head ) took the name seiemon .
  • At around the fourth generation moriyuki and the fifth generation masayoshi , the family started to use " ohama " as their family name , which was one of the regional name in saitani-mura .
  • " nanori , shimenawa-kiri , himatsuri " is a series of annual events held from new year ' s eve through new year ' s day in daio-cho , shima city , mie prefecture .
  • In the edo period , hatamoto yoriaiseki (a family rank of high-ranking hatamoto , direct vassal of the shogun ) who had more than 3000 koku (a unit of volume: rice 1-koku is 180 .39 liter , lumber 1-koku is 0 .278 cubic meter ) as well as hatamoto (direct retainers of the bakufu , which is a form of japanese feudal government headed by a shogun ) who had more than 2000 koku and managed to do kaminanori (announcing as a provincial vice-governor ), were called ' taishin hatamoto ' (greater vassal ).
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