―のり ―のり [―乗り] ?→(自転車に)二人乗りする ?この車は6人~だ This car can hold six people. のり [乗り] 1 n. ?今日は化粧の~がよい My skin absorbs the makeup well today. ?今日はおしろいの~が悪い The powder doesn't spread well on the fa
Nanori-gami - writing paper used when presenting an answer 名乗紙(なのりがみ) - 回答を出すときに、書筆する紙。
I will keep my allegiance and appoint myself as kaifu yitong sansi (supreme minister ) and grant titles to each of my own commanders . みずから開府儀同三司の官をなのり、わが諸将にもそれぞれ称号をたまわって、忠誠をはげみたいと思います。」
Homyo ' in jodo shinshu is the introduction of oneself showing that he/she is to be a disciple of shaka or shkyamuni (a disciple of the buddha ). 浄土真宗における「法名」(ほうみょう)とは、釈迦の弟子(仏弟子)となった名告り(なのり)である。
Tsunanori kutsuki (january 9 , 1808 - october 15 , 1825 ) was a successor of the fukuchiyama domain in tanba province . 朽木 綱紀(くつき つなのり、文化 (元号)4年12月12日 (旧暦)(1808年1月9日) - 文政8年9月4日 (旧暦)(1825年10月15日))は、丹波国福知山藩の世嗣。
Tsunanori kanehira (year of birth unknown - 1625 ) was a busho (japanese military commander ) who lived from the azuchi-momoyama period to the edo period . 兼平 綱則(かねひら つなのり、生年不詳 - 寛永2年(1625年))は、安土桃山時代から江戸時代の武将。
Nanori was a loud statement made by a samurai to an opponent in which he announced his full name , status , family lineage and assertion for the conflict . 名乗り(なのり)とは、合戦において武士が敵に向かって自分の姓名・身分・家系や戦における自分の主張などを大声で告げること。
The fourth family head called himself seiemon and henceforth the head of every generation from the sixth head onwards (excluding the ninth head ) took the name seiemon . 四代目当主が清右衛門をなのり、六代目以降九代目をのぞき、代々の当主は清右衛門という名を継いだ。
At around the fourth generation moriyuki and the fifth generation masayoshi , the family started to use " ohama " as their family name , which was one of the regional name in saitani-mura . 4代目守之、5代目正禎は才谷村の大字の一つである「大浜」を家名としてなのりはじめる。
" nanori , shimenawa-kiri , himatsuri " is a series of annual events held from new year ' s eve through new year ' s day in daio-cho , shima city , mie prefecture . 名のり・注連縄切り・火祭り(なのり・しめなわきり・ひまつり)は、三重県志摩市大王町で大晦日から元日にかけて行なわれる一連の年中行事。
In the edo period , hatamoto yoriaiseki (a family rank of high-ranking hatamoto , direct vassal of the shogun ) who had more than 3000 koku (a unit of volume: rice 1-koku is 180 .39 liter , lumber 1-koku is 0 .278 cubic meter ) as well as hatamoto (direct retainers of the bakufu , which is a form of japanese feudal government headed by a shogun ) who had more than 2000 koku and managed to do kaminanori (announcing as a provincial vice-governor ), were called ' taishin hatamoto ' (greater vassal ). 江戸時代には、3,000石以上の旗本寄合席や旗本で守名乗り(かみなのり)ができた二千石以上の者を「大身旗本」と称した。