- almost cost someone's life〔主語〕
- せい せい 精 spirit 制 system organization imperial command laws regulation control
- うく うく 浮く to float to become merry to become loose
- 死ぬ 死ぬ しぬ to die
- とこ とこ 常 ever endless 床 bed sickbed alcove padding
- ころ ころ 頃 time about toward approximately (time)
- だ だ 拿 arrest capture 兌 exchange 堕 degenerating lapsing into 儺 exorcism
- せいで at someone's hand / at the hand of someone〔複数形 hands の方が多く使われる〕〔人の〕
- 危うく 危うく あやうく almost nearly in imminent danger of
- ところ ところ 所 place
- 向こう見ずな行動のせいで、彼は危うく死ぬところだった His foolhardy behavior almost killed him.
- 死ぬところだった I almost died.
- 危うく~するところだ come near to
- ボブは危うく車にひかれるところだった Bob was nearly run over by a car [an automobile].
- 彼は危うくけんかを始めるところだった。 He nearly started a fight.
- 危うく卒倒するところだ almost have a seizure