- Hello. X Company. May I help you?
- はい はい 拝 worship 俳 actor 佩 wear put on (sword) yes 肺 lung 灰 ash 配 disposition
- ニー ニー knee
- です です polite copula in Japanese
- どう どう 如何 how in what way how about 同 the same the said ibid. 僮 child servant
- うい うい 有為 (Buddhism) perpetual change caused by karma vicissitudes of life that
- ご用 ご用 ごよう your order your business official business
- 用件 用件 ようけん business
- でし でし 弟子 pupil disciple adherent follower apprentice young person teacher's
- しょ しょ 諸 various many several
- うか うか 羽化 emergence (of insects) growing wings and flying
- カンパ カンパ fund raising (ru: Kampanija) campaign
- どうい どうい 同意 agreement consent same meaning same opinion approval 同位 the same rank
- しょう しょう 匠 workman artisan mechanic carpenter means idea 背負う to be burdened with to
- でしょう でしょう (I) think (I) hope (I) guess don't you agree? I thought you'd say that!
- しょうか しょうか 小過 slight mistake 晶化 crystallization 唱歌 singing songs 上下 high and low the
- カンパニー カンパニー company
- でしょうか might~;《不快》 {助動}