- はじをしのぶ
to abide one's shame
- はじ はじ 恥 shame embarrassment 把持 grasp hold grip
- のぶ のぶ ノブ(つまみ) knob
- ぶ ぶ 分 rate part percentage one percent thickness odds chance of winning
- しのぶ しのぶ 忍ぶ to conceal oneself to hide to endure 偲ぶ to recollect to remember
- ありし日をしのぶ 1. think nostalgically of bygone days 2. think of bygone days
- こじんをしのぶ こじんをしのぶ 故人を偲ぶ to think of the dead
- 亡き子をしのぶ歌 【曲名】 Kindertotenlieder〔独語◆マーラー作による管弦楽伴奏付きの連作歌曲〕
- 今は亡き~をしのぶ commemorate the deceased
- しのぶ しのぶ 忍ぶ to conceal oneself to hide to endure 偲ぶ to recollect to remember
- 戦没者の労苦をしのぶ recall the hardships endured by those who died in the war
- こいしのぶ こいしのぶ 恋い忍ぶ to live on love
- たえしのぶ たえしのぶ 堪え忍ぶ 耐え忍ぶ to put up with to endure to bear patiently
- _歳で亡くなった(人)をしのぶ mourn someone's passing at age
- しのぶ〔死者などを〕 【他動】 commemorate
- しのぶおんがく しのぶおんがく 偲ぶ音楽 memorial concert