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  • jab one's elbow into sb
  • ひじ     ひじ 秘事 a secret 肘 肱 elbow
  • 突く     突く つく つつく to thrust to strike to attack to poke to nudge to pick at
  •      く 九 nine 区 ward district section 句 phrase clause sentence passage paragraph
  • ひじで突く 1    nudge ~ with one's elbow ひじで突く 2 【他動】 1. elbow 2. jostle ひじで突く 3 1. jab one's elbow into 2. poke someone with one's elbow〔人を〕
  • ひじでそっと突く    give someone one's nudge〔人を〕
  • 脇腹をひじで突く    jab someone in the ribs with one's elbow〔人の〕
  • 机にひじを突く    rest one's elbows on a desk
  • インを突く    take the inside line
  • 側面を突く    1. attack in the flank 2. launch a flank attack 3. make a flank attack
  • 底を突く 1    1. be exhausted 2. bottom drops out〔 【直訳】 底[基盤](だと思っていたもの)が(さらに)崩れる〕 3. run out 底を突く 2 cause the depletion of〔主語の結果〕〔~が〕 底を突く 3 bottom falls out of〔相場?値段などが〕 底を突く 4 1. hit the lowest point 2. tou
  • 弱みを突く    hit (on) a sensitive point
  • 急所を突く     急所を突く 1 v. strike home [自]《正式》(言葉などが)急所を突く;よくわかる. (見出しへ戻る headword ? 急所) 急所を突く [急所を衝く] 2 v. strike home [自]《正式》(言葉などが)急所を突く. (見出しへ戻る headword ? 突く)
  • 敵背を突く    attack the enemy from the rear
  • 敵陣を突く    attack the enemy camp
  • 早鐘を突く    1. ring an alarm bell 2. sound an alarm bell
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