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"ふっけん"の例文"ふっけん" 意味


  • ふっけん
    restoration of rights
  • けん     けん 腱 tendon 件 matter case item 県 prefecture 剣 sword sabre blade bayonet sting
  • いっけんいっけん    いっけんいっけん 一軒一軒 house to house
  • いっけん    いっけん 一犬 one dog 一見 a look a glimpse glance first meeting 一件 a matter an item 一間 one ken six feet 一軒 a house
  • いっけんや    いっけんや 一軒屋 一軒家 an isolated house
  • えっけん    えっけん 謁見 audience (with someone) 越権 going beyond authority unauthorized
  • こっけん    こっけん 国権 power of the state national sovereignty sovereign rights 黒鍵 black keys 国憲 national constitution
  • ざっけん    ざっけん 雑件 assorted matters
  • しっけん    しっけん 執権 regent 識見 views opinion discernment pride self-respect insight 失権 loss of rights disenfranchisement
  • しょっけん    しょっけん 職権 authority commission 食券 meal ticket
  • じっけん    じっけん 実験 experiment 実権 real power 実見 seeing with one's own eyes witnessing 実検 checking inspecting
  • じっけんち    じっけんち 実験値 test results
  • せっけん    せっけん 石鹸 石けん soap 接見 interview 節倹 economy thrift 席巻 席捲 sweeping conquest sweeping over conquering invading
  • せっけんの     【形】 1. saponaceous 2. soapy
  • せっけん便    soap stool


  • In the northern dynasty , kobun learning of later han was practiced , and " zhouyi ," " shujing ," " mao shi ," and ' sanrai ' honored annotations by jo gen , " chunqiu zuoshi zhuan ," the annotation by fukken of later han , and " shunju kuyo-den ," the annotation by ka kyu of later han .
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