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  • I broke up with my girlfriend because she was too fickle.
  • ぼく     ぼく 僕 I manservant 卜 divining telling a fortune predicting choosing settling
  • 恋人     恋人 こいびと lover sweetheart
  • 別れ     別れ わかれ parting separation farewell (lateral) branch fork offshoot division
  • 彼女     彼女 かのじょ she girl friend sweetheart
  • あま     あま 亜麻 flax hemp linen 海人 fisherman 尼 nun bitch 海女 woman shell diver 阿媽 amah
  • まり     まり 鞠 ball
  • にも     にも also too not... either as well even
  • もむ     もむ 揉む to rub to crumple (up) to wrinkle to massage to be troubled about to
  • むら     むら 村 village 斑 unevenness inconsistancy erraticness irregularity
  • たか     たか 多価 polyvalence 多寡 quantity number amount 鷹 hawk falcon 高 quantity amount
  • から     から 殻 shell husk hull chaff from out of through since because 空 emptiness
  •      だ 拿 arrest capture 兌 exchange 堕 degenerating lapsing into 儺 exorcism
  • ぼくが     ぼくが 墨画 India-ink drawing
  • あまり     あまり 余り not very (this form only used as adverb) not much remainder rest
  • むら気     1. moodiness 2. mutability 3. versatile moods
  • たから     たから 宝 treasure
  • からだ     からだ 体 body health 身体 the body
  • あまりに     あまりに 余りに too much excessively too
  • あまりにも     あまりにも 余りにも too much excessive too
  • 恋人と別れた     She broke up with her boyfriend.
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