- He telegraphed his distress with his eyebrows.
- まゆ まゆ 眉 eyebrow 繭 cocoon
- ひそ ひそ 砒素 arsenic (As)
- そめ そめ 染め dyeing printing
- 苦悩 苦悩 くのう suffering distress affliction anguish agony trouble
- 伝え 伝え つたえ legend tradition
- えた えた 穢多 old word for burakumin (pejorative)
- た た 田 rice field 他 other (esp. people and abstract matters) 多 multi- 佗 be proud
- まゆをひそめて 1 1. under furrowed eyebrows 2. with a frown 3. with knitted brows まゆをひそめて 2 【副】 frowningly
- 少しまゆをひそめて with a bit of a frown
- まゆをひそめる 1 1. bend one's brows 2. contract one's brows 3. gather one's brows 4. knit one's brows [eyebrows] 5. knit the brows [eyebrows] 6. make a disgusted face 7. pucker up one's brows 8. wrinkle one's brow
- ~にまゆをひそめる frown on
- けげんそうにまゆをひそめて with a puzzled frown
- まゆをひそめて思い出そうと努める frown in an effort of recollection
- まゆをひそめて思い出そうと努力する frown in an effort of recollection
- 彼はまゆをひそめて私を見つめた He regarded me under furrowed eyebrows.