やく やく 妬く to be jealous of to be envious of 厄 misfortune bad luck evil disaster 焼く to bake to grill 約 approximately about some 役 use service role position 益 gain benefit profit use advantage being benef
I dont have much time , but ill get back to you as soon as possible . 退院ははやくても三ヶ月後
The third conference of parties to the united nations framework convention on climate change (cop3 , the third session of the conference of the parties ) held on december in 1997 by the united nations in the kyoto international conference center (kyoto city , kyoto prefecture ), was an international conference of which the main object was to reach an international consensus on regulations concerning the emission of greenhouse gases , 第3回気候変動枠組条約締約国会議(だい3かいきこうへんどうわくぐみじょうやくていやくこくかいぎ)は、1997年12月に国際連合により国立京都国際会館(京都府京都市)で開催された、温室効果ガス排出規制に関する国際的な合意形成を主な目的とした国際会議である。