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"やくて"の例文"やくて" 意味"やくて" 中国語の意味


  • やくて
    promissory note
  • やく     やく 妬く to be jealous of to be envious of 厄 misfortune bad luck evil disaster 焼く
  •      て 手 hand
  • ひやくてき    ひやくてき 飛躍的 rapidly
  • とくやくてん    とくやくてん 特約店 sole agent chain store
  • しゅうやくてき    しゅうやくてき 集約的 intensive
  • やくしょくてあて    やくしょくてあて 役職手当 executive allowance
  • やくそくてがた    やくそくてがた 約束手形 promissory note
  • やく    やく 妬く to be jealous of to be envious of 厄 misfortune bad luck evil disaster 焼く to bake to grill 約 approximately about some 役 use service role position 益 gain benefit profit use advantage being benef
  • せんたくてきセロトニンさいとりこみそがいやく    せんたくてきセロトニンさいとりこみそがいやく 選択的セロトニン再取り込み阻害薬 selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI)
  • ようやくこのつまらない議論に煩わされなくてすむようになった    I finally laid the ghost of these trifle arguments to rest.
  • いやく    いやく 意訳 free translation liberal translation 医薬 medicine 違約 breach of contract default
  • かやく    かやく 火薬 gunpowder powder 加薬 spices seasoning adding extra ingredients (med) 加役 temporary extra work
  • きやく    きやく 規約 agreement rules code 既約 irreducible 棄約 breaking a promise
  • ぎやく    ぎやく 偽薬 inactive placebo placebo
  • げやく    げやく 下薬 laxative


  • I dont have much time , but ill get back to you as soon as possible .
  • The third conference of parties to the united nations framework convention on climate change (cop3 , the third session of the conference of the parties ) held on december in 1997 by the united nations in the kyoto international conference center (kyoto city , kyoto prefecture ), was an international conference of which the main object was to reach an international consensus on regulations concerning the emission of greenhouse gases ,
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