- Great pain and little gain will make a man soon weary.
- ろく ろく good satisfactory worthy 陸 six (used in legal documents) 六 六つ six
- 報酬 報酬 ほうしゅう remuneration recompense reward toll
- なし なし 梨 nashi (Japanese pear) 無し without
- つら つら 面 face mug surface facial features mask face guard side or facet corner
- らい らい 儡 defeat 来 since (last month) for (10 days) next (year)
- 仕事 仕事 しごと work occupation employment
- では では then well so well then 出端 chance of going out opportunity (to succeed)
- はす はす 蓮 lotus
- すぐ すぐ 直ぐ immediately soon easily right (near) honest upright
- 疲れ 疲れ つかれ tiredness fatigue
- しま しま 島 island 縞 stripe
- まう まう 舞う to dance to flutter about to revolve
- ろくな ろくな 碌な satisfactory decent
- なしに なしに 亡しに without
- つらい つらい 辛い painful heart-breaking
- すぐに すぐに 直ぐに instantly immediately
- しまう しまう 仕舞う to finish to close to do something completely to put away to put an
- つらい仕事 1. breather 2. fag 3. hard dinkum 4. heavy task 5. heavy work 6. plod 7.