与しやすい 1. be easy to deal with 2. be easy to win over
As charcoal itself tends to absorb odors , it is often caused by odor absorbed by charcoal during storage and discharged into sake when charcoal is put into sake . 炭自体が臭気を吸収しやすいので、保存中に炭が外部から吸収した臭い成分を、酒に投入されたときに酒の中へ放出して生じることも多い。
When he was fourteen , he started to go to purchase indigo plants by himself , which created the foundation on which he could easily absorb economic systems in the europe era and later brought about his thoughts of realistic rationalism . 14歳の時からは単身で藍葉の仕入れに出かけるようになり、この時の経験がヨーロッパ時代の経済システムを吸収しやすい素地を作り出し、後の現実的な合理主義思想につながったとされる。