- He soaks up detail like a sponge soaks up water.
- たい たい 対 ratio versus against opposition 鯛 (red) snapper schnapper sea bream 他意
- 細か 細か こまか small fine detailed stingy
- かい かい 傀 large 怪 mystery wonder 買い buying buyer purchase 介 shell shellfish being
- いと いと 糸 thread yarn string 異図 treasonable intent 意図 intention aim design
- とこ とこ 常 ever endless 床 bed sickbed alcove padding
- ころ ころ 頃 time about toward approximately (time)
- まで まで 迄 until till doing as far as
- どん どん 貪 coveting 鈍 dull slow stupid dull-brained
- 吸収 吸収 きゅうしゅう absorption suction attraction
- して して 仕手 protagonist hero leading part
- しま しま 島 island 縞 stripe
- まう まう 舞う to dance to flutter about to revolve
- 細かい 細かい こまかい small fine minute
- いとこ いとこ 従姉妹 cousin (female) 従妹 cousin (female, younger than the writer) 従姉 cousin
- ところ ところ 所 place
- しまう しまう 仕舞う to finish to close to do something completely to put away to put an
- スポンジ スポンジ sponge
- どんどん どんどん rapidly steadily
- 細かいところ nicety