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  • Tommy, say, "Yes, please." When you take one, don't eat it whole. Break off a piece, OK?
  • はい     はい 拝 worship 俳 actor 佩 wear put on (sword) yes 肺 lung 灰 ash 配 disposition
  • いな     いな 否 no nay yes well
  • さい     さい 歳 -years-old 切 cut 債 debt loan 最 the most the extreme 犀 rhinoceros 裁 judge
  • パン     パン bread (pt: pan) panning
  • たら     たら 鱈 codfish cod (Gadus morhua) 多羅 Tara The Deliverer, the Saviouress
  • その     その 園 えん
  • まま     まま 先々 先先 well, well 儘 as it is as one likes because as 間々 間間 occasionally
  • じゃ     got to go / gotta go〔文頭の I've が省略された形◆ 【略】 g2g ; G2G〕
  • ない     ない 亡い dead 無い there isn't doesn't have
  • 一口     一口 ひとくち mouthful one word a bite a sip a draft
  • ちぎ     ちぎ 地祇 earth deities 遅疑 hesitation vacillation 千木 ornamental crossed rafter
  •      question mark
  • 食べる     食べる たべる to eat
  • ちぎる     ちぎる 契る to pledge to promise to swear 千切る to cut up fine to pick (fruit)
  • かった     かった カッタ cutter
  • そのまま     そのまま 其の儘 without change as it is (i.e. now)
  • 分かった?     1. Do you understand? 2. Have you got it? 3. Is that clear?〔 【用法】
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