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  • What might that mean?〔人の言動や出来事の意味を尋ねるとき。〕
  • 一体     一体 いったい one object one body what on earth? really? generally
  • どう     どう 如何 how in what way how about 同 the same the said ibid. 僮 child servant
  • うい     うい 有為 (Buddhism) perpetual change caused by karma vicissitudes of life that
  • いう     いう 謂う is referred to as... is called... 言う 云う to say
  • こと     こと 古都 ancient city former capital 事 thing matter fact circumstances business
  • ので     ので that being the case because of ...
  • でし     でし 弟子 pupil disciple adherent follower apprentice young person teacher's
  • しょ     しょ 諸 various many several
  • うか     うか 羽化 emergence (of insects) growing wings and flying
  • 意味     意味 いみ meaning significance
  • かし     かし 菓子 pastry 河岸 fish market riverside river bank 歌詞 song lyrics words of a
  • どうい     どうい 同意 agreement consent same meaning same opinion approval 同位 the same rank
  • なので     so much so that ~なので 1 1. being as 2. inasmuch as〔理由を表す〕 3. insomuch as
  • しょう     しょう 匠 workman artisan mechanic carpenter means idea 背負う to be burdened with to
  • かしら     かしら I wonder 頭 head
  • どういう     どういう 如何いう what kind of
  • でしょう     でしょう (I) think (I) hope (I) guess don't you agree? I thought you'd say that!
  • しょうか     しょうか 小過 slight mistake 晶化 crystallization 唱歌 singing songs 上下 high and low the
  • でしょうか     might~;《不快》 {助動}
  • どういう意味か     What do you mean?
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