一定の~ a measure of 一定の 1 1. a certain amount of 2. a certain number of 3. degree of 一定の 2 【形】 1. certain 2. constant 3. definite 4. determinate 5. fixed 6. given 7. invariable 8. uniform
協定の条件面で合意に達する reach agreement on the terms of a pact with〔~との〕
資産を規定の条件で維持管理する maintained and preserve assets at established conditions [condition levels]
I told mr . bennett that i might be able to discuss some areas within certain strict parameters . ベネットさんに申し上げた通り 限られた厳密な一定の条件で
On special days , the top prize was a night with the yatori onna of one ' s choice , if certain requirements were met . また特別な日には最高の賞品として一定の条件を満たせば気に入った矢取り女と閨を共にする事が出来た。
When it detects any of the predetermined conditions (sudden braking , vibration , etc .) , moving images for several seconds before and after the incident are recorded . 予め決められた一定の条件(急ブレーキ、振動など)を感知すると、前後数秒の映像が保存される。
Concerning connected train rides between a shinkansen line and a regular railway line , there is a system in which the limited express fees or express fees are halved in certain conditions (the shinkansen lines to which a fare system for connected train rides are applied ). 新幹線と在来線の乗り継ぎについては、一定の条件で在来線の特急・急行料金を半額に割り引く制度がある(乗り継ぎ料金制度新幹線)。
There is another opinion that the ' common name ' which is regarded as a generic name of more than one book or document meeting certain requirements such as " kyuji " each family owns should be clearly differentiated from the ' proper name ' which is regarded to refer to the certain books edited at the certain point such as " sendai no kuji " and " chokugo no kuji " (records of ordinances ). また、諸家がそれぞれ持っているとされる『旧辞』のような一定の条件を満たす複数の書物ないしは文書の総称であると考えられる「普通名詞」と、『先代の旧辞』や『勅語の旧辞』といった特定の時点で編纂された特定の書物を示すと見られる「固有名詞」とは明確に区別するべきであるとする見解もある。
Further , there are opinions that the ' common noun ' which is thought to be the generic term for several books or documents that satisfy fixed conditions , such as the " teiki ," which every family was thought to have , and the " teio honki " (chronicle of emperors ) which existing contents were supposed to be different , and the ' proper noun ' which is thought to describe specific books that are complied at a specific point of time called " teiki no hitsugi " should be clearly distinguished . また、諸家がそれぞれ持っているとされる『帝紀』や内容の異なるものが存在するとされる『帝王本紀』のような一定の条件を満たす複数の書物ないしは文書の総称であると考えられる「普通名詞」と、『帝王の日嗣』といった特定の時点で編纂された特定の書物を示すと見られる「固有名詞」とは明確に区別するべきであるとする見解もある。
It was the same in the other departments , and gradually sando-kyo and sando-nenkyo began to recommend those who were unlikely to become jogo (a student who completed a course ) (tokugosho (distinguished scholars of numbers ) and hoshikyudai (examination passed )) as provincial governors and low-level functionaries of capital officials without the examination recommended by san hakase; additionally , it was made possible for general sansho to be qualified according to tokugosho by satisfying certain conditions and taking an examination (juntokugyoshoshi (associate distinguished scholars of numbers )) . 更に他の学科でも同様であったが、算博士の推薦を受けて成業(得業生及び奉試及第)の見込みのない者を無試験で地方国司や京官の下級役人に推挙する算道挙・算道年挙が行われるようになったり、一般の算生でも一定の条件を満たせば得業生に準じた奉試受験資格を得て試験を受けることが出来るようになった(准得業生試)。
In terms of other orders , including courtly rank and the orders of the rising sun and orders of the sacred treasure , when it came to civil servants (at the time , they were termed " government officials " ) in government service , once they fulfilled the prescribed condition--for example , working continuously for a certain number of years--almost everyone would receive such medals , and non-government soldiers (in japan ' s army ) or civilians could also receive them; the order of the golden kite , however , was limited only to military personnel , and furthermore was only granted to those who had sufficiently distinguished themselves in battle , meaning that simply being a general or an army officer of imperial blood , without distinguished service in battle , would not bring one this medal . 位階や旭日章・瑞宝章などのその他の勲章は仕官して公務員(当時は官吏)となれば勤続年数などの一定の条件で大抵誰でも受勲することができ、また官吏では無い兵 (日本軍)や民間人でも対象となったが、金鵄勲章は軍人軍属のみでかつ相応の戦功がなくては授与されず、大将や皇族軍人といえども相応の武功がなければ授与されなかった。