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"不良債権"の例文"不良債権" 中国語の意味


  • 不良債権
    bad debt
  • 不良     不良 ふりょう badness delinquent inferiority failure
  • 債権     債権 さいけん credit claim
  •      権 けん authority the right (to do something)
  • 不良債権の     【形】 bad-debt
  • 不良債権率    1. bad debt ratio 2. bad-loan ratio 3. nonperforming-loan ratio
  • 不良債権一掃    bad-debt cleanup
  • 不良債権処理    不良債権処理 ふりょうさいけんしょり disposal of bad loans
  • 不良債権危機    bad-debt crisis
  • 不良債権問題    1. bad loan problems 2. bad-debt problem 3. bad-loan problem 4. issue of nonperforming loans / nonperforming loan problems 5. problem of bad loans
  • 不良債権回復    bad debt recovery
  • 不良債権残高    remaining debt
  • 不良債権美術    bad-debt art〔値下がりして売れなくなった美術品。特に、日本の企業や資産家がバブル期に購入した絵画を指す。担保として金融機関の手に渡り、死蔵されているかひそかに安値で売られていることが多い〕
  • 不良債権負担    bad loan burden
  • 不良債権で苦しむ    be burdened with bad debt
  • 不良債権に苦しむ    be plagued by bad loans


  • That means every bad loan goes bad 47 times over .
  • The bundlers of the dept knew it was only a matter of time , before someone would open that box and see that the content was worthless
    最高の等級として売るようなものです。 不良債権を一括化した人々は、 自分で箱に詰めたのですから、 誰かが箱を開けて、中身に価値がない
  • The bundlers of the dept knew it was only a matter of time , before someone would open that box and see that the content was worthless
    最高の等級として売るようなものです。 不良債権を一括化した人々は、 自分で箱に詰めたのですから、 誰かが箱を開けて、中身に価値がない
  • When the rotten oranges , what we hear about is unsound loans , derivatives and credit default swaps were finally discovered , everyone was impacted .
    腐ったオレンジ... つまり、不良債権や金融派生商品 クレジットデフォルトスワップなどがついにバレると
  • These bad debts were generated in the head office of the one-hundred and thirtieth bank , but kyoto , fukui , moji and other branches also had much bad debts .
  • When the one-hundred and thirtieth bank fell into bankruptcy in june 1904 , its loan to nippon spinning amounted to more than 1 ,700 thousand yen almost of which had already become bad debt .
  • From the standpoint of merchants who lent money , daimyo-gashi was the nominal assets and the basis of their social status in spite of the fact that they were a kind of bad loan and their collectability was low .
  • For that reason , it is said that sakai was incorporated into osaka to bring osaka ' s size up to the level where it was fit to be called a ' prefecture ,' as it was the smallest in size compared to kyoto , tokyo or other peripheral prefectures and as the economy of osaka had hit the bottom due to bad debts incurred by loans made to daimyos (feudal lords ) in addition to continuous bankruptcies of money-exchange businesses from the abolition of silver grain currencies .
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