- 【形】
- 不良 不良 ふりょう badness delinquent inferiority failure
- 債権 債権 さいけん credit claim
- の の 野 field 乃 possessive particle clause nominalizer particle
- 不良債権 不良債権 ふりょうさいけん bad debt
- 不良債権の一掃 bad-loan cleanup
- 不良債権の処理 1. bad-loan write-off 2. disposal [disposing] of bad [nonperforming] loans 3. disposal of bad debt 4. disposition of bank nonperforming loans
- 不良債権の回収 collection of doubtful receivables
- 不良債権の売買 sales and purchases of the nonperforming claims
- 不良債権の残高 outstanding amount of NPLs
- 不良債権の範囲 extent of bad loans
- 不良債権の蓄積 accumulation of bad loans
- 不良債権の解決策 1. cure for bad loans 2. sour-loan solution
- 不良債権の解消 elimination of bad loans
- 不良債権の証券化 securitization of bad loan
- 不良債権の一掃を促す speed up bad-loan cleanup