And finding that there were plenty of inefficiencies 非効率で不要なものが
On things that we do not really need . 不要なものに お金を浪費しています
An artist is somebody who produces things , that people don't need . 不要なものを生みだすのが 芸術家だって
The shingu listed here are the main ones , and depending on the shrine (shrine of the ujigami (a guardian god or spirit of a particular place in the shinto religion ) or the shrine of worship ) and sect shinto school , some things are necessary/unnecessary , so seek the advice of shrines , churches of sect shinto school , and shingu stores (butsugu (buddhist altar fittings ) stores carrying shingu ). ここであげた神具は主なものであり、神社(氏神の神社や信仰する神社)や教派神道各派によっては必要なもの・不要なものがあることから神社や教派神道各派の教会、神具店(神具を扱う仏具店)に相談する必要がある。
There were various types of satoyama in the edo period: those that were owned by the government (shogun family or domains ) and excluded from use by general citizens (called otateyama , etc ); those which were privately-owned (form of iriaichi (common land )) but trees were state-owned assets and required the government ' s permission for logging (called otomeyama or goyoboku ); those whose land as well as trees were privately-owned and did not required any official permission for logging (form of iriai ); those which were individually-owned; and those which were owned by religious organizations and used to construct their religious facilities . 江戸期の里山は国家(将軍家や藩)が所有し民間の利用を認めないもの(御建山などと呼ばれる)、土地は民間所有(入会地形態)であっても木材は国家所有で伐採には国家の許可が必要なもの(御留山や御用木と呼ばれる)、土地も木材も民間所有(入会地形態)で木材伐採にも官許の不要なもの、個人所有のもの、宗教施設所有で当該宗教施設の為に用いられるものなど多様であった。