- budgetary requirements
- 予算 予算 よさん estimate budget
- 要件 要件 ようけん requirement important matter
- 件 件 くだん example precedent the usual the said the above-mentioned (man) in
- 予算要求 budgetary request
- 予算要覧 budget manual
- 予算概算要求 budgetary request
- 予算要求基準 guidelines for the budget request
- 予算要求を通す pass the budget request
- 予算の概算要求基準 1. budgetary request guidelines 2. ceilings for budget requests
- 予算要求をつり上げる raise ante
- 予算要求を引き上げる raise ante
- 来年度予算の概算要求 ministerial budget requests for the coming fiscal year
- 来年度予算の概算要求を統一して出す submit a coordinated request for budget allocations for the coming fiscal year
- 来年度予算の概算要求基準 guidelines on ministries' requests for budget allocations for the next fiscal year
- 要件 要件 ようけん requirement important matter