But they also succeed at the job of entrepreneurship . でも、彼らは事業において成功してるのです。
And without considering this そして全ての人道的事業においても
In this publishing project , not only books used for the first purpose of training clergymen , but those on the japanese versions of jesuit mission press in katakana , and also the japanese version of jesuit mission press in sosho-tai (cursive style writing ) kanji and kana were published . この出版事業においては、当初の目的であった聖職者養成に用いる書物、片仮名による国字本に止まらず、草書体漢字・仮名を用いた国字本まで刊行された。
For that reason , during the project of making a variorum for genji monogatari that he himself had been engaged in since 1926 , he destroyed the notes that he had already composed based upon the manuscripts of the kawachi-bon line , the very notes that he had once completed in 1931and had even held an exhibition to celebrate . そのため、1926年(昭和元年)から自身が進めていた源氏物語の校本作成事業において、それまで河内本系統の写本を元に作業を進め、1931年(昭和6年)に一度は完成し、完成記念の展観会まで催された原稿を破棄した。