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  • affect someone more than anything else in someone's life
  • 人生     人生 じんせい (human) life (i.e. conception to death)
  • 生で     【副】 live
  • 一番     一番 ひとつがい a pair a couple a brace いちばん best first number one a game a round a
  • かす     かす 貸す to lend 課す to impose 化す to change into to convert to to transform to be
  •      す 州 sandbank 酢 vinegar 巣 nest rookery breeding place beehive cobweb den haunt
  • 動かす     動かす うごかす to move to shift to set in motion to operate to inspire to rouse to
  • (人)の     1. beyond someone's reach / beyond the reach of someone 2. change of someone's
  • 心を動かす     心を動かす こころをうごかす to impress to move one's heart to touch (a person's heart)
  • 人生で何よりも(人)の心を動かす    affect someone more than anything else in someone's life
  • 人々の心を動かす    touch the hearts of the people
  • 人の心を動かす 1     【形】 1. appealing 2. touching 人の心を動かす 2 【他動】 move
  • 聴衆の心を動かす    sway an audience
  • 心を動かす    心を動かす こころをうごかす to impress to move one's heart to touch (a person's heart)
  • 人の心を動かすような     【形】 appealing
  • 見込み客の心を動かす    reach potential customers
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