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  • I hope this will not have put you to any inconvenience.
  • 今回     今回 こんかい now this time lately
  • のこ     のこ saw[化学]
  • こと     こと 古都 ancient city former capital 事 thing matter fact circumstances business
  • あな     あな 穴 孔 hole
  • なた     1. chopper 2. frow / froe〈米〉 3. matchet
  • 様に     as often happen with〔~にはよくある〕
  • 迷惑     迷惑 めいわく trouble bother annoyance
  • から     から 殻 shell husk hull chaff from out of through since because 空 emptiness
  • ない     ない 亡い dead 無い there isn't doesn't have
  • いこ     いこ 依估 unfairness 遺孤 orphan
  • 切に     切に せつに eagerly earnestly ardently
  • おり     おり 檻 cage pen jail cell 折 chance suitable time 織り 織 weave weaving woven item
  • ます     ます 升 枡 桝 斗 measure unit of volume (1.8l) square container, e.g. a box 鱒 trout
  • 今回の     this time around
  • あなた     あなた 彼方 the other the other side there yonder that 貴女 you lady 貴方 you dear
  • ご迷惑     ご迷惑 ごめいわく trouble annoyance
  • ており     ており 手織り 手織 handwoven handspun weaving by hand
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