- earnings report for the business term ending in March
- 今年 今年 ことし こんねん this year
- 月期 lunation
- 収益 収益 しゅうえき earnings proceeds returns
- 報告 報告 ほうこく report information
- 収益報告 収益報告 しゅうえきほうこく earnings report
- 今年3月期の決算 settlement of accounts in the business year ending on March 31
- 収益報告 収益報告 しゅうえきほうこく earnings report
- 収益報告書 earnings report
- 当期の収益 current profitability
- 四半期の損益報告書 quarterly profit-and-loss report
- 今年3月期の決算で売り上げが前年比_%以上落ち込む post a sales decline of more than __% over the previous year for the fiscal year that ended in March
- 第一四半期の収益 first-quarter revenue
- 1~3月期の国内総生産 gross domestic product in the January-March quarter
- 3分の1の収益減 profits drop by one-third
- 今年a社の収益性は急落した The A company took a big dive in profitability this year.