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"代議制"の例文"代議制" 意味


  • 代議制
    (the) representative system
  • 代議     代議 だいぎ representing others in a conference
  •      制 せい system organization imperial command laws regulation control government
  • 代議制の     【形】 representative
  • 代議制度    代議制度 だいぎせいど parliamentary system
  • 代議制を否定する    repudiate the system of elected representation
  • 代議制の本旨からすれば    considering the spirit of the system of representative government
  • 代議    代議 だいぎ representing others in a conference
  • 協議制    consultation system
  • 合議制    合議制 ごうぎせい parliamentary system
  • 稟議制    collective decision-making system
  • 代議員    代議員 だいぎいん representative delegate
  • 代議士    代議士 だいぎし parliamentarian member of a congress
  • 代議院    1. representative chamber 2. representative house
  • 労使協議制    1. joint consultation system 2. joint labor-management conference system 3. joint labor-management consultation 4. labor-management consultation system 5. worker participation (in management)
  • 合議制度    合議制度 ごうぎせいど parliamentary system


  • Are two of the cornerstones of representative government
    代議制を支える 土台と言えるかもしれませんが
  • Representative government began to form .
    そして代議制が 形成されだします
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