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  • It should not be concluded from what has been said above, that….
  • 以上     以上 いじょう more than exceeding greater than this is all over above and up beyond
  • 上述     上述 じょうじゅつ above mentioned foregoing
  • てき     てき 的 -like typical 剔 cutting 敵 enemy rival
  • きた     きた 北 North
  • たこ     たこ 章魚 蛸 鮹 octopus 胼胝 callus corn 凧 kite
  • こと     こと 古都 ancient city former capital 事 thing matter fact circumstances business
  • とか     とか such as 渡河 river crossing 都下 in the capital in Tokyo
  • から     から 殻 shell husk hull chaff from out of through since because 空 emptiness
  • 結論     結論 けつろん conclusion
  • 下す     下す おろす to take down to launch to drop to lower to let (a person) off to unload
  • すべ     すべ 術 way means
  • べき     べき should (suf to verbs) must 冪 a power (math)
  • では     では then well so well then 出端 chance of going out opportunity (to succeed)
  • はあ     【間投】 aha
  • ある     ある 或 或る a certain... some... 在る to live to be 有る to be to have
  • まい     まい 舞 dancing dance 枚 counter for flat objects (e.g. sheets of paper) 麻衣 linen
  •      い 井 well 胃 stomach 依 depending on 倚 lean on rest against 亥 twelfth sign of the
  • すべき     すべき should do (abbr. of suru+beki) ought to do
  • 結論を下す     結論を下す けつろんをくだす to draw a conclusion
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