結論を急ぐ 1. form a hasty conclusion 2. jump [leap, rush] to [into] conclusions [a conclusion, one's own conclusion] / rush for a conclusion 3. make a speedy decision 4. run conclusions
How was it for you making that decision ? 「その結論を下すのは どんな気持ちだったのですか?」
And i'll make the decision as i've done since the beginning . その上で私が結論を下す
I think we have everything we need to reach a ruling on this case . 結論を下すのに必要な資料は整いました
Young mr . schoenberg and i have travelled all this way , so we would appreciate discussing the case with the committee before they make the decision . ショーンバーグ氏と私は わざわざ遠くより来ました なので、委員会が 最終結論を下す前に 私共に ご相談願いたい