結論を急ぐ の英語
1. form a hasty conclusion 2. jump [leap, rush] to [into] conclusions [a conclusion, one's own conclusion] / rush for a conclusion 3. make a speedy decision 4. run conclusions 結論 結論 けつろん conclusion 急ぐ 急ぐ いそぐ to hurry to rush ぐ ぐ 愚 foolish silly stupid 具 tool means ingredients counter for armor, suits,議論を急ぐ immediately hold discussions on〔~についての〕 結論を急いでいる be hasty in one's judgment 結論を急ぎすぎるな。 Don't jump to conclusions. 議論を飛ばして法案の成立を急ぐ bypass debate to ram the bills through the Diet 事を急ぐな。 Don't rush things. 交渉を急ぐ speed up the process of negotiating with〔~との〕 仕事を急ぐ 1. hurry up one's work 2. make haste with one's task 3. speed up one's work 先を急ぐ 先を急ぐ さきをいそぐ to hurry to hasten 判断を急ぐ race to judgment 判決を急ぐ 1. race to judgment 2. rush to judgment 功を急ぐ be too eager for success 努力を急ぐ double efforts to〔~への〕
Yeah , which is exactly why we don't jump to conclusions .結論を急ぐ な Well , let's not jump to conclusions . what ?"結論を急ぐ な" "なんだと?" Well , let's not jump to conclusions . what ? "結論を急ぐ な" "なんだと?" Look , i'd rather not jump to any conclusions .結論を急ぐ な Abraham , please , don't jump to conclusions .結論を急ぐ な Do not take your life so lightly . コハル待て。 結論を急ぐ な。 Do not take your life so lightly . コハル待て。 結論を急ぐ な。 Let's not jump to any conclusions .結論を急ぐ のはやめよう Dangerous to jump to conclusions .結論を急ぐ のは 危険だ I would not rush to a conclusion .結論を急ぐ な